Wednesday Wisdom #6

​On Wednesdays, I take a ride on the #wednesdaywisdom bandwagon! Check back every week for inspiring ideas on pretty images made with love, from me to you.


“Never let what you don’t have, blind you from what you do have.”

Moving Servers!


I am super excited, and admittedly a tad overwhelmed to say: I have acquired hosting for my domain and am slowly working at moving on over.

There are to do lists plastered from my den to my living room!

Since I now sit on WordPress with as a sneaky domain redirect, you will still be able to access the site through the reader as well as via my Twitter account when they pop up. BUT if you visit me via things will probably look off.

If you already subscribe via your subscription will be moved. BUT if you are an email subscriber you may need to resubscribe next week after the move.

See you soon!

Wednesday Wisdom #5

​On Wednesdays, I take a ride on the #wednesdaywisdom bandwagon! Check back every week for inspiring ideas on pretty images made with love, from me to you.


“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.”

Review: Nair 3-in-1 Removal Cream vs Facial Hair


I recently signed up to Influenster and having been reviewing a lot of products. With that in mind, I got the inspiration to post about my most recent beauty experience. So, it’s time for my first product demo and review!

I think everyone can relate in some way or another to having hair in places they’d rather not have it. For me, that is on my face. My chick-stache, as I affectionately refer to it, has always been an insecurity. I tried various things over the years, at home and in salon, but always ended up with irritation. In the end the bumps and redness were worse to deal with than the stache so I more or less gave up.

Enter Nair 3-in-1 with Sunflower Seed Oil and Green Tea Extract. When dealing with the face, it’s recommended to go for a product designed for the face. The skin on your face is typically more sensitive.

Spoiler: I broke this rule… but I had my reasons.

According to the bottle the 3-in-1 formula depilates, exfoliates and moisturizes. It’s suitable for all hair types and sensitive skin. Made with Sunflower Seed oil and Green Tea extract. It may not have been specific to my face, but I was willing to try it.

What are the benefits of these natural ingredients?

Sunflower seeds oil: rich in Vitamin E and Omega 6 fatty acids. For the skin, this naturally decreases inflamations like acne, sunburns, dermatitis.

Green Tea Extract: Rich in antioxidants which flush toxins out of the skin. This reduces the chance of reacting to acne causing bacteria.

So with this knowledge, I took a chance and spent the $6.

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Check Out My Article on The Mighty

I have some very exciting news! I am beaming with pride and gratitude as I share that The Mighty has chosen to publish my article.

Read the full article here >

Mental Health on The Mighty has been a huge source of reference and comfort for me through out my journey. I first discovered them through a Facebook share, and quickly became a daily reader over my morning coffee. It is an honour to share my story on The Mighty.

Not only am I honoured to be published by such a great website, this is also a huge goal accomplished for me. 

To read more great articles, check out Mental Health on The Mighty.

EBay Fail: The Long Lost Shipment


As an admittedly frugal spender, I do a lot of shopping on eBay. Usually, I am completely happy with my purchases (unless they’re clothes…). When I buy a $1.99 item with free shipping from China, I know I can expect to wait.

When it comes to buying phone cases, I swear by Ebay. The very first purchase I ever made online, and on EBay, was a cellphone case for my Blackberry curve circa 2008. Since then, I have never purchased a phone case in store. Off the shelf, you can expect to pay from $20-60+ while EBay, you can pay from $2-6.

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Wednesday Wisdom #4

​On Wednesdays, I take a ride on the #wednesdaywisdom bandwagon! Check back every week for inspiring ideas on pretty images made with love, from me to you.


“Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations”

Instructions For A Bad Day

My inspiration and productivity have been clouded lately. Things haven’t been going my way and I have been letting it affect my mood.

When I am feeling less than fantastic, I have a handful of videos saved to lift my spirits. One of my favourite videos features a poem by Shane Koyczan called “Instructions For a Bad Day”.

Give it a try. I can’t guarantee it’ll work for you, but I can say it helped me write this post.

Have you heard anything else by shane Koyczan? Do you have a favourite uplifting video?  Let me know in the comments below!

Laugh At Life: Relateable Day to Day Anxiety Feelings

I have battled with anxiety for years, the worst of it beginning in my twenties. I am often prone to feelings of anxiety,  panic attacks, and as an added bonus, I battle depression. 

When anxiety has me in its grip, my default response was always be to feel bad about myself and life.

This cycle of negativitiy had me stuck in shackles.

The irony of it is, I was always the one holding the keys.

Self loathing didnt get me anywhere but down. Once I realized this and began to accept and make light of my struggles, I started to gain a bit of control over my weaknesses. Though the daily struggle is real, at least I can have a sense of humor about it.

I invite you to laugh along with me, while I walk you through some of my day to day anxiety struggles.

You might just find yourself thinking about them later on and giggling to yourself in stressful times like I try to!

Trying to explain to my friends and family how things are going:

Randomly remembering something embarassing I did 10 years ago, for the 10th time today:


Getting to the grocery store to find a crowded parking lot, which means a crowded store:

When someone I don’t know is nice to me:

How I keep my chill when I’m uncomfortable and can’t find a place to hide:

When I’m way off on a thought train playing out scenarios of doom and someone interrupts me:

When I embarrass myself in public:

When I get asked to make last minute plans:

When I’m stuck somewhere and can’t leave out of obligation or lack of transport:

When anything goes wrong no matter how big or small:

How I feel powering through life most days:

Can you relate?! Share your funny stories and scenarios in the comments below!

Wednesday Wisdom #3

On Wednesdays, I take a ride on the #wednesdaywisdom bandwagon! Check back every week for inspiring ideas on pretty images made with love, from me to you.


“Always believe something wonderful is about to happen”